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Patient Recall
Automatic recalls of all kinds.
Remind Patients with Letter/Email/SMS
TriMed PM can be configured to automatically generate and distribute recall letters. For example, if a patient does not respond to previous
correspondence, practices can choose to generate and send a discharge letter. This helps various practices, like OB, to efficiently
maintain patient care compliance standards.
Customizable Schedule
A variety of user-defined preferences enable administrators to tailor the system to meet the needs of their practice. Once configured, recall protocols
are designed to run behind the scenes. Many practices have them run each night.
Tied into Appointment to Stop Reminders
Too much communication can be a bad thing too. Intelligent recalls check for patient appointments before generating a message which helps
reduce redundant and unnecessary patient contact.
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management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API pediatric emr, pediatric billing, pediatric emr software, best pediatric emr, pediatric ehr, best pediatric ehr, pediatric ehr software, pediatric software, electronic health records, electronic medical records, emr software, ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API ehr software, medical billing software, practice management software, electronic health records software, electronic medical records software, healthcare software, practice management system, telemedicine, patient portal, electronic prescribing, family medicine ehr, family medicine emr, ONC Certified EHR, Cures Update, patient enagement, Risk based contracts, PMP, PCC API